5.0 Problem Solving from the corruption issue in Vortex Petro Logistics
In order to overcome the issues that was occurred in Vortex Petro Logistic, especially the problem like longer transit time that their customer must face and several customers good lost. Vortex Petro Logistic add their vehicle like line-haul and dry van. Before this, they just have 1 line-haul and 4 dry van to deliver the goods but when they get complaint from customer that they have to wait for longer time to receive their good then now this logistic company was added 1 line-haul and 2 dry vans more. For the missing goods, Vortex Petro was do the refund to that customer who lost their goods. It is in order to make that customer to pull back the report that they do. If not, it will give bad image to their company and the company will face many consequences.
The second issues that Vortex Petro Logistic has solve is unavoidable situation or weather such as heavy rain, flood and traffic jammed. As for heavy rain, this company will quickly response if their driver van got stuck in it. Sometimes their driver cannot easily just go continue their journey when having heavy rain, it is because that can give high risk of road accidents and the goods will be damage. In order to solving it, this company will tell their driver to stop for a while if the rain was so heavy and their customer service staff will inform to the customer about that. For examples like they want to deliver the eggs within 6 hours but suddenly got stuck in the heavy rain then they need to stop if not other problem will happen like accident because of the slippery road. Then, Vortex Petro Logistic will keep updating to their customer about their good’s location to reduce the fear of being cheated or having goods stolen. This company state that it is very important to always keep in touch with customer. Other than that, this company will provide the schedule that can be change due to the unexpected situations. So, that they can be ready for any problem that will be occurred, and the delivery time will be shorter.
Customer gets their goods in an unacceptable condition it was third issues that Vortex Petro Logistic company face. Sometimes, when they deliver the items that are easily broken and damaged, they will get many complaints from customer and can be bad reputation for their company image. So, this company do discussion and implement the best way to prevent that issues will occur. In this situation, for example when they want to deliver egg that easily crack, they will use the stable racking system in their vehicle that are used for delivering goods. They will keep checking either their employee loading those goods with carefully and safety or not. Thus, if they do not do it the goods that are breakbulk or easily broken can be damaged.
As for the last issues that this company experience a shortage labour as dispatch staff to deliver the goods during pandemic Covid-19 last time. This problem occur because of the economy was being recession that time so this company was affected too. Their employee was run to other logistics company because of the high salary offer to them and other facilities was provided. But this company manage this company is able to rebuild and getting up from that crisis with the sacrifice of their other staff’s energy and manager effort. This company coming up with increase the salary for the employee that deliver the good from Rm1200 to Rm1500 in a month and they provide their employee that area they can rest after tired for loading goods into vehicle, they also provide additional vehicle for delivery process, and they also get new tenders which is deliver eggs that potential is out for delivery every day. So, their employees no need to worry about the issue of unpaid wages.
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